Az State Standards for Third Grade Reading
Skills bachelor for Arizona tertiary-course language arts standards
IXL's third-grade skills will be aligned to the Arizona English Language Arts Standards soon! Until and then, you can view a complete list of tertiary-grade standards below.
Standards are in black and IXL language arts skills are in dark green. Hold your mouse over the name of a skill to view a sample question. Click on the proper noun of a skill to practice that skill.
3.Fifty Language Standards
Conventions of Standard English
3.L.i Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
3.L.1.a Explain the office of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in general and their functions in item sentences.
- Which discussion is a noun? ( 3-PP.1 )
- Identify nouns ( 3-PP.two )
- Place nouns – with abstract nouns ( 3-PP.3 )
- Identify common and proper nouns ( 3-PP.4 )
- Identify personal pronouns ( 3-QQ.ane )
- Place possessive pronouns ( 3-QQ.5 )
- Identify action verbs ( three-RR.2 )
- Place principal verbs and helping verbs ( 3-RR.3 )
- Does the adjective tell you what kind or how many? ( 3-VV.1 )
- Identify the describing word that describes the noun ( 3-VV.two )
- Identify adjectives ( three-VV.3 )
- Does the adverb tell y'all how, when, or where? ( 3-VV.4 )
- Identify adverbs ( 3-VV.5 )
3.L.1.b Form and utilize regular and irregular plural nouns.
- Form regular plurals with -s, -es, and -ies ( iii-PP.v )
- Apply regular plurals with -due south, -es, and -ies ( 3-PP.6 )
- Form and utilise irregular plurals ( 3-PP.8 )
3.L.1.c Utilize abstruse nouns (due east.m., babyhood).
- Identify nouns – with abstract nouns ( 3-PP.iii )
3.L.1.d Course and utilize regular and irregular verbs.
- Utilize activeness verbs ( three-RR.1 )
- Form and use the irregular past tense: set 1 ( )
- Grade and apply the irregular past tense: ready two ( 3-TT.7 )
- Grade and use the irregular past tense: gear up 3 ( iii-TT.viii )
- Form and use the irregular past tense: set 4 ( 3-TT.9 )
- Grade and use the irregular past tense: set 5 ( 3-TT.10 )
- To be: use the correct form ( iii-TT.eleven )
- To have: utilize the correct class ( 3-TT.12 )
three.Fifty.ane.eastward Form and use the uncomplicated verb tenses (due east.g., I walked; I walk; I will walk).
- Course and utilize the regular past tense ( 3-TT.three )
- Is the sentence in the past, present, or futurity tense? ( 3-TT.13 )
- Change the sentence to time to come tense ( 3-TT.14 )
three.Fifty.1.f Ensure subject-verb and pronoun-antecedent agreement.
- Replace the substantive with a personal pronoun ( 3-QQ.3 )
- Is the discipline singular or plural? ( 3-SS.1 )
- Utilise the correct subject or verb ( 3-SS.2 )
- Pronoun-verb agreement ( iii-SS.three )
iii.50.i.g Form and use comparative and tiptop adjectives and adverbs, and choose between them depending on what is to be modified.
- Cull between adjectives and adverbs ( 3-VV.half-dozen )
- Use adjectives to compare ( 3-VV.8 )
- Spell adjectives that compare ( iii-VV.9 )
- Use adverbs to compare ( iii-VV.10 )
- Use coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.
- Use coordinating conjunctions ( three-Y.3 )
- Apply subordinating conjunctions ( 3-Y.4 )
- Place coordinating conjunctions ( three-Twenty.1 )
- Identify subordinating conjunctions ( iii-XX.2 )
three.L.i.i Produce unproblematic, chemical compound, and complex sentences.
- Create varied sentences based on models ( 3-BB.3 )
- Identify the complete bailiwick of a judgement ( three-OO.ii )
- Identify the complete predicate of a sentence ( three-OO.3 )
- Is it a complete sentence or a fragment? ( 3-OO.5 )
- Is information technology a complete sentence or a run-on? ( three-OO.6 )
- Is it a complete judgement, a fragment, or a run-on? ( 3-OO.7 )
- Create compound sentences ( three-OO.ix )
- Order the words to create a judgement ( three-OO.10 )
iii.L.ane.j Write one or more paragraphs that explicate a primary idea within a topic and support it with details and conclusions/closure.
- Apply primal details to make up one's mind the master idea ( 3-F.1 )
- Put the sentences in order ( 3-V.ane )
- Organize information past main thought ( 3-5.3 )
- Select the item that does not support the topic sentence ( 3-W.ane )
- Choose topic sentences for narrative paragraphs ( 3-W.ii )
- Choose topic sentences for expository paragraphs ( three-W.3 )
- Identify time-gild words ( 3-Y.1 )
- Use time-order words ( 3-Y.2 )
- Use analogous conjunctions ( 3-Y.iii )
- Utilise subordinating conjunctions ( 3-Y.4 )
- Choose the all-time transition ( three-Y.5 )
- Use linking words to consummate a passage ( 3-Y.6 )
- Cull reasons to support an opinion ( 3-Z.3 )
- Complete the stance passage with an example ( 3-Z.four )
- Complete the stance passage with a reason ( 3-Z.5 )
- Complete the opinion-reason-case tabular array ( three-Z.6 )
- Choose the best concluding sentence ( iii )
3.L.2 Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.
iii.L.ii.a Capitalize appropriate words in titles.
- Capitalizing titles ( 3-CCC.3 )
iii.50.2.b Apply commas in addresses.
- Commas with the names of places ( 3-ZZ.3 )
iii.L.2.c Apply commas and quotation marks in dialogue.
- Punctuating dialogue ( 3-CCC.six )
3.L.2.d Form and use possessives.
- Form the singular or plural possessive ( iii-PP.10 )
Knowledge of Language
3.50.three Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.
3.L.3.a Choose words and phrases for effect.
- Sort sensory details ( 3-J.1 )
- Show character emotions and traits ( 3-AA.2 )
- Choose the synonym ( 3-HH.1 )
- Cull the antonym ( iii-HH.4 )
- Shades of meaning with pictures ( 3-KK.i )
- Describe the difference between related words ( three-KK.2 )
- Positive and negative connotation ( 3-KK.3 )
3.L.3.b Recognize and find differences betwixt the conventions of spoken and written Standard English.
Vocabulary Acquisition and Apply
3.L.4 Make up one's mind or clarify the significant of unknown and multiple-significant word and phrases based on class 3 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
3.L.4.a Determine the meaning of the new word formed when a known affix is added to a known word (e.g., agreeable/disagreeable, comfortable/uncomfortable, intendance/careless, heat/preheat).
- Determine the significant of a discussion with pre-, re-, or mis- ( 3-DD.2 )
- Employ the prefixes pre-, re-, and mis- ( three-DD.3 )
- Determine the meaning of a word with -ful or -less ( 3-DD.4 )
- Make up one's mind the meaning of a word with -ly or -ness ( 3-DD.5 )
- Determine the meaning of a word with -able or -ment ( 3-DD.half dozen )
- Decide the significant of a word with a suffix: review ( 3-DD.7 )
- Determine the meanings of words with prefixes and suffixes: review ( three-DD.8 )
- Sort words with shared prefixes and suffixes by meaning ( 3-DD.9 )
three.L.iv.b Use a known root word equally a inkling to the meaning of an unknown word with the same root (e.g., company, companion).
- Apply Greek and Latin roots as clues to the meanings of words ( 3-EE.i )
- Determine the meanings of Greek and Latin roots ( 3-EE.2 )
- Make up one's mind the meanings of words with Greek and Latin roots ( 3-EE.3 )
3.L.4.c Employ sentence-level context equally a clue to the meaning of a word or phrases.
- Similes with pictures ( 3-1000.1 )
- Make up one's mind the meanings of similes ( three-K.2 )
- Read well-nigh animals ( iii-T.1 )
- Read most nutrient ( 3-T.2 )
- Read about art, music, and traditions ( 3-T.3 )
- Read nearly sports and hobbies ( three-T.4 )
- Find synonyms in context ( 3-HH.three )
- Find antonyms in context ( 3-HH.6 )
- Which definition matches the judgement? ( three-JJ.2 )
- Which sentence matches the definition? ( 3-JJ.3 )
- Cull the picture that matches the idiomatic expression ( )
- Determine the meaning of words using synonyms in context ( 3-MM.1 )
- Use context to place the meaning of a give-and-take ( iii-MM.2 )
- Use academic vocabulary in context ( 3-MM.3 )
3.L.4.d Use glossaries or outset dictionaries, both print and digital, to make up one's mind or clarify the precise significant of key words and phrases.
- Employ guide words ( 3-NN.v )
- Use dictionary entries ( 3-NN.half-dozen )
- Use dictionary definitions ( 3-NN.vii )
three.Fifty.v Demonstrate understanding of word relationships and nuances in give-and-take meanings.
3.L.5.a Distinguish the literal and nonliteral meanings of words and phrases in context (due east.m., have steps).
- Similes with pictures ( 3-K.1 )
- Determine the meanings of similes ( 3-Grand.2 )
- Read poesy ( 3-S.4 )
- Cull the picture that matches the idiomatic expression ( 3-LL.i )
three.L.5.b Place real-life connections between words and their uses (e.k., describe people who are friendly or helpful).
- Use deportment and dialogue to empathise characters ( iii-K.2 )
- Show graphic symbol emotions and traits ( three-AA.ii )
- Shades of significant with pictures ( 3-KK.ane )
- Describe the deviation between related words ( 3-KK.two )
- Use academic vocabulary in context ( 3-MM.3 )
- Use activeness verbs ( 3-RR.1 )
- Does the adjective tell you what kind or how many? ( three-VV.1 )
iii.Fifty.5.c Distinguish shades of meaning among related words that depict states of mind or degrees of certainty (e.grand., knew, believed, suspected, heard, and wondered).
- Shades of meaning with pictures ( 3-KK.1 )
- Describe the difference between related words ( 3-KK.2 )
- Positive and negative connotation ( 3-KK.iii )
3.Fifty.6 Acquire and apply accurately grade-appropriate conversational, full general bookish, and domain-specific words and phrases, including those that signal spatial and temporal relationships (eastward.chiliad., After dinner that night, nosotros went looking for them).
- Sort sensory details ( 3-J.ane )
- Identify time-order words ( iii-Y.1 )
- Employ subordinating conjunctions ( 3-Y.iv )
- Shades of pregnant with pictures ( 3-KK.ane )
- Positive and negative connotation ( 3-KK.iii )
- Decide the meaning of words using synonyms in context ( 3-MM.1 )
- Use context to place the significant of a give-and-take ( 3-MM.2 )
- Use academic vocabulary in context ( 3-MM.3 )
- Identify prepositions ( 3-WW.1 )
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